
El lenguaje es el instrumento de la inteligencia:
no lo desafines.
Language is the instrument of intelligence:
keep it tuned.

miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010

Punctuation marks

.     full stop (BrE); period (AmE)

:     colon

;     semicolon

,     comma

…    suspension points (BrE); dot, dot, dot (AmE)

?     question mark

!     exclamation mark (BrE); exclamation point (AmE)

_     dash

-     hyphen

*     asterisk

/     slash

( )   parenthesis

[ ]   brackets

{ }   braces

‘     apostrophe

“     quotation mark

#     number sign

´     acute accent

^     circumflex accent

ñ     tilde

&     ampersand

@     at sign

_     underscore

How to say an email address:


example underscore for instance at hotmail dot com

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